Jusnote Newsroom


April 28, 2024

Introducing the brand-new communication module

In today’s fast-paced work environment, effective communication is key. Jusnote’s latest chat feature is designed to bring teams together, offering a platform for real-time discussions, document sharing, and task management—all within a secure and user-friendly interface.

We are excited to announce the launch of Jusnote’s new communication module for legal professionals and firms. Designed in collaboration with Smotrów Design, the chat system is engineered to foster secure, efficient, and comprehensive communication within the system, enhancing collaboration and simplifying the workflow of lawyers.

The chat’s new key features include:

1. Secure messaging: safely exchange messages, files, documents, and other essential legal materials within your law firm.

2. Enhanced notifications: tag colleagues in messages to alert them immediately, ensuring prompt attention to critical information.

3. Read receipts: gain visibility into who has read your messages, enhancing accountability and follow-ups.

4. Message pinning: easily pin important messages to the top of your chat, creating a readily accessible collection of crucial communications.

5. Adjustable chat interface: expand the chat window for a broader view, making it easier to work with large texts or manage multiple conversations.

6. Message management: edit or delete messages as needed and share various files, tasks, and events seamlessly.

7. Entity-specific chat tabs: Each card and entity will feature a dedicated chat tab where all related messages are conveniently centralized.

This comprehensive chat enhances communication and integrates seamlessly with your Jusnote environment, enabling your team to operate more effectively and focus on delivering exceptional legal services.

Discover the future of legal communication with Jusnote. Try the system for free or book a demo to explore how this new feature can revolutionize your law firm’s operations.


Learn more  – Chat in Jusnote (ukr).