Jusnote Newsroom


August 7, 2024

Jusnote Enhances Interface and Introduces New Metrics for Legal Professionals

At Jusnote, our commitment to enhancing both the interface and functionality of our cloud-based legal software is unwavering. We continually strive to introduce vital metrics and tools tailored for legal professionals. This time, we’ve taken our improvements to the next level.

In the recent update, our user experience team has meticulously revised the interface of Jusnote, significantly enhancing the dashboards for matters, contacts, and other entities. These improvements are designed to ensure that consuming valuable information is as easy and intuitive as possible.

Our experts have also introduced a new indicator within matters, which displays the total time billed for each matter with a detailed breakdown of billable and non-billable time.

As a delightful bonus, we have updated the interface font of Jusnote. This change to a more minimalistic yet highly readable font enhances the overall user experience, ensuring that legal professionals can navigate and utilize the software with greater ease and comfort.

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